0750: Call to Order – Spencer Johnson ‘63
0750: VADM Mustin ’55, indisposed. Meeting chaired by Spencer Johnson ’63, Vice Chairman.
0755: Recognition of New Class Presidents and Class Presidents serving on active duty
0755: Motion to approve minutes from spring meeting
- Review of agenda for upcoming Board of Trustees Mtg. Cannot be review.
0755: Motion passes to approve minutes from Spring Meeting
0800: Decade Breakout Mtgs
0900: Superintendent’s Remarks – VADM Ted Carter ‘81
- Talked of formative tours: Shutdown of Joint Forces Command, CNO’s Suicide Prevention Task Force, President of NWC.
- Navy shifting focus to Pacific. New balance will be 60/40.
- USNA currently producing about 30% of naval officers per year
- Percentage of USNA grads increases at each rank. 90% of 4-stars are USNA grads
- As first action as Supe, made entire Brigade of Midshipman take oath of office when Brigade reformed in the fall
- Commitment to Service: Final Salute. Mids travelling to local hospice to honor those who have served with a final salute.
- 68% of majors are now STEM (Science, Tech, Engineering, Math)
- New rotary wing aerospace major. Only program of its kind in the country. 1/3 of all naval aviators are now helicopter pilots.
- 6 mids are finalists for Rhodes scholarships/ 4 finalists for Marshall Scholarships
- 25 mids are pursuing postgraduate work during their final semesters
- The Log Magazine is back up and running after multi-yr hiatus. Supe is former editor of the Log
- 25% of Class of 2018 are women. 69% of 2018 led student body council. Lowest plebe summer attrition in history of USNA.
- U.S. New & World Report rankings: USNA is #1 Top Public School, #1 High School Counselor Rankings
- -Supe’s Focus Points to Maintain Upward Trajectory:
- Character Development
- Cyber Security Studies. 2 mandatory courses for all Mids.
- Enriched International Programs
- Two level Parking Garage will be built next to Worden Field. Groundbreaking in 2015.
- USNA will join American Athletic Conference (AAC, formerly Big East) in 2015.
- Celestial Nav will be reinstituted in the curriculum within next year or two
1000: Alumni Association & Foundation Panel – Byron Marchant ’78, Bill O’Connor, Skid Heyworth
- Skid Heyworth ’70 will be retiring at end of year after 20 yrs of service with the Alumni Assoc.
- Distinguished Graduate Award nomination packages – continue to submit applications for notable classmates!
- Alumni Connectivity – Currently in “Quiet Phase” of campaign. Working to update contact information for all graduates.
- Financial Update: Currently have a budget surplus of $3M
- Fundraising Development – Bill O’Connor
- Best year ever for Annual Fund: $9.6M in unrestricted giving for FY14. Well above goal. Annual Fund provides direct support to Superintendent
- Planned Giving: New associate director is Ms. Patti Bender, comes from Swarthmore College.
- Athletic & Scholarship Programs: Raised over $3M against a $2M goal in FY14. Goal is to raise $2M/yr and build a $5M reserve fund. Funded 55 students in Foundation Schools. 90% graduation rate for foundation students – lowest attrition of all accession sources. 10yr retention after USNA graduation – highest among all accession sources.
- BGEN Chris Inglis, USAF (ret) – Distinguished Visiting Professor in Cyber Security
- Every mid takes 2 cyber courses
- Cyber Operations major now being offered (90 mids currently enrolled)
- Looking at all majors and looking to see how cyber can be incorporated
- Communications – Craig Washington ‘89
- Increased focus on communicating online
- Major growth in membership across all constituencies (alums, parents, etc)
- Utilizing surveys to support USNA Strategic Plan 2020
- 33% open rate for Wavetops. Exceptionally high
1100: COCP Success Story: “Poll Your Constituents for Free” – Charlie Mello ‘02
- ’02 lacked information about needs & expectations of members
- Utilizes Squarespace.com to host class website which includes many features (surveys, etc)
- Cost is $7.20/month
- For survey purposes, it is very important to take the time to draft good questions
- Allows for class leaders to make informed decisions
1130: Athletic Association Report – Chet Gladchuk, Athletic Director
- Handrails have been installed at Navy-Marine Corps Stadium!!! Testament to the “power” of the COCP! 12 years in the making.
- Navy won 2014 Patriot League President’s Cup
- Ricketts Hall currently under renovation…20K sq ft project will be complete soon. Building will share the message of USNA’s physical mission
- New Rugby facility underway on Naval Station
- Golf course enhancement ongoing
- Membership in AAC in 2015
- West: Tulsa, SMU, Houston, Tulane, Memphis, NAVY
- East: UConn, Temple, E.Carolina, Cincinnati, S. Florida, Central Florida
- Football schedules will not be set in stone until 1 year out…ramifications for reunion planning
- Asks for alumni support to buy tickets to send Navy fans to attend Poinsettia Bowl in San Diego
- ESPN College Gameday will broadcast live from Baltimore for 2014 Army-Navy Game
1200: Adjourn for Lunch
1245: Decade Breakout Session Reports
- 1930s 40s, 50s,: Taking steps to establish Admiral Chuck Larson Ethical Leadership Excellence Award
- 1960s: Investigating ways to archive class websites/histories. Possibility exists to have each class fund the expenses of the COCP. This will be a nominal amt (less than $100/yr).
- 1970s: Discussions about Distinguished Graduate Award, class fundraising initiatives, class archives.
- 1980s: Feel that horizontal communication is working. Voiced concerns about lack of definitive football schedule in 2016 and 2017 and how this affects reunion planning.
- 1990s/2000s/2010s: Feel that Alumni Mentoring Program (AMP) is working but minor changes need to be made. Discussed pros/cons of incorporating as a class, reunion lessons learned.
1330: Motion made for COCP to draft issue paper asking Alumni Assoc to present way-ahead on archiving class websites was seconded and passed.
1335: Motion made for COCP to draft issue paper asking Alumni Assoc to fully fund April mtg as well as operating expenses of the COCP was seconded and passed.
1340: Navy Football Update – Coach Ken Niumatalolo
1430: CPAG Actions Items – Spencer Johnson ‘63
1430: New Business – Spencer Johnson ‘63
- Information Only: Dave Church ’68 is looking for volunteers to work to establish Alumni kiosk where visitors can look up names and get histories of past USNA grads via a searchable database
1445: Meeting Adjourned
Updated: October 01, 2018
Curator: Ed Moore